quarta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2010

Linkers (contrast)

São Paulo is a good team, however Santos is so much better.

Rai was good, nevertheless Pelé, from Santos, was the best player ever.

Rogério is good, yet Robinho humilated him.

on the one hand is only 18, on the other hand he plays very well.

Rosh Hashanas is a jewish holiday, and it celebrates the new year, that begins when God created the men.

In this day we go to the sinagoge, jewish temple, and in the last night we do a meeting with all the family, where, my family, eats some tipical jewish food, like vareniques, a pasta with potatos and gefilt fish, a kind of fish, and in the desserts honey cake.

quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

linkers: consequence

we bought a mobile, thus we have less money.

he studied, as a result he had a good grade

linkers: purpose

we train in order to play the matches.

we play so that we can get goals

they play soccer not to lose

I study so as not to take recuparation

quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010

linkers (alternatives)

I can either play or watch soccer

I can play neither gimnastic nor basketball

linkers (addition)

tomorrow and on the weekend there will be 2 santos' soccer matches, I want to watch both of them.

there are not only math on school, but also portuguese and geography classes.

santos has libertadores, besides it has mundial.

I'm good, furthermore I'm beautiful.